Lean metode

Lean manufacturing methods have, over the years, become a kind of brand. Some practitioners and theorists advocate for the blind application of Lean methods, regardless of the current state of the company where they are being introduced. We believe this is not the best approach to Lean methods, as their implementation heavily depends on the maturity of the individual company. Similarly, deciding to implement a Lean method based on a book, an internet article, or similar sources is also questionable. A Lean method is a framework—a written law, so to speak—that is then interpreted by a judge who, based on practice, experience, and, of course, the aforementioned framework, delivers a final opinion. 

We have tested Lean manufacturing methods throughout our many years of practice. Lean manufacturing must always be adapted to the specific organization. Practice has shown that the methods serve as a framework within which we address specific process shortcomings, but it is crucial to find the right way to implement them. Simply transferring the implementation of a method from one organization to another is not feasible.

Praktischlean advocates a practical approach to implementing Lean methods in organizations. This means we always take into account the success of each company and build upon that foundation. The fact that a company exists and operates is proof of its success, while Lean thinking and methods will simply add the finishing touch.

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